
The Five Tool Fundraiser aims to provide every fundraiser with timely news and advice to elevate and enhance their opportunities to be successful. Here you will find your daily fundraising truism, philanthropic news, and a selection of research and white papers.

365 Fundraising Truisms

365 Fundraising Truisms
for the Aspiring Five Tool Fundraiser


Ideas without action are dreams. Ideas with action equals (change, results, reality). It’s frustrating for fundraisers to hear ideas without a supporting action plan. The best fundraisers apply ideas and actions to create achievements.

If you’d like to access all 365 fundraising truisms, please purchase the 365 Fundraising Truisms book

Our Knowlege page, like our 365 fundraising truisms, changes daily. Be sure to mark the site and return often.

Fundraising and Philanthropy in the News

We’ve sourced the top stories in fundraising and philanthropy.

10 Ways to Engage Donors of All Generations

Broadening your donor base to include people of all ages is a smart way to increase revenue and bolster your nonprofit’s future: Older Americans are expected to pass down more than $84 trillion in total wealth within the next two decades, research shows.

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5 Trends Fundraisers Need to Watch in 2024

Among the forces that will shape development this year: artificial intelligence, the explosion of DAFs, and the culture wars.

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Michael Bloomberg Tops the List of America’s Biggest Donors in 2023

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg contributed $3 billion last year to support the arts, education, environment, public health, and programs aimed at improving city governments around the world.

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Fundraising News, Data, Research, and Reports

Click here to discover the latest in fundraising news.

Chronicle of Philanthropy
Philanthropy News Digest

Fundraisers need to be able to access the top fundraising research and data reports available from the leaders in the field. Below are links to organizations that provide research on fundraising in the USA, trends in philanthropy, planned giving, DAFs, AI, and much more. Please note that many of these resources require a subscription or payment to a third party other than the Five Tool Fundraiser.

Giving USA Report
Lilly School of Philanthropy Report on Giving USA Results
CCS’ 2023 Philanthropic Landscape
2022 DAF Report
The Philanthropy 50
The Giving Pledge
Before and After 2020

Interested in something specific that you can’t find on this page? Please contact us and provide details of the type of philanthropic knowledge you seek and our team of experts will research the request and send you the results.