
Ideas without action are dreams. Ideas with action equals (change, results, reality). It’s frustrating for fundraisers to hear ideas without a supporting action plan. The best fundraisers apply ideas and […]


The thank you note is the simplest but most effective of all methods to acknowledge a gift and truly show you appreciate the donor’s support.


Great fundraisers are capable of driving activity that results in greater philanthropic revenue. This might come from their own activity or helping to drive the activity of others (the CEO, […]


If the move isn’t recorded in the CRM database, it never happened.


The effective solicitor makes a gift request in such a way that it feels comfortable and natural for the person being asked.


Repetition is the path to mastery. Most people that say they are not good at asking for money have never done it and many that say the same have only […]


Resilience and endurance are not only helpful to marathoners and elite athletes. The best fundraisers also require resilience and endurance to persevere through a number of typical challenges, including limited […]


Year over year fundraising growth doesn’t always require more raised from existing channels (annual upgrades, increasing sponsorships at galas, raising Board giving expectations, acquisition efforts through direct mail, increasing grant […]


A rising tide lifts all boats. Fundraising success in one area is very likely to create fundraising success across all areas.


Nonprofit storytelling can be a powerful tool to attract and motivate donors. A story can spur someone to take action because suddenly the cause is more than just an abstract […]