
Volunteers are much more likely to give and give more significantly and more predictably. The talented development professional is uniquely adept at sourcing volunteer opportunities that increase engagement and giving.


Many people use personal trainers. They can help teach you best practices, evaluate and correct your technique, motivate you, and often just keep you accountable to your goals. The development […]


The CFO and CDO often speak different languages when it comes to counting and recognizing philanthropic revenue. The CFO speaks a language called GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) while the […]


Memorial gifts and honor gifts are very effective methods of raising funds. Memorial gifts provide thoughtful ways to remember loved ones who have passed away. Honor gifts celebrate special occasions […]


You create your own luck in fundraising. John Milton named it when he said, “Luck is the residue of design.” I usually trace my good fortune back to the conscious, […]


The best fundraising is selfless. Creating something meaningful for those you don’t know who will benefit from the possibilities you create today is philanthropy at its core. We are thankful […]


Words like “support” and “partner” rather than donate can increase donations significantly because they invite people into a relationship.


Dan Pallotta said it best when he commented that “our generation does not want its epitaph to read, ‘We kept charity overhead low.’ We want it to read that we […]


If you can effectively appeal to your most critical donor, you can effectively appeal to almost any donor. The friction and difficulty and challenge sharpens our language and approach.


Great fundraisers are big tenters, always working to gather together every key individual even when some of those people might be dissenting voices. Key thought-leaders and market-makers are among those […]