
If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness and impact of your board through continuing recruitment efforts, be sure your very best board members are on the board nominating committee. They […]


Fundraising is a high risk and high reward activity. Those that are unwilling to take calculated risks or engage in uncomfortable or courageous conversations are destined to fail in fundraising.


Donors are looking for organizations that “check all the boxes.” The boxes might vary a bit, but the most common boxes connect to personal relationships, an appreciation for the mission, […]


Most people don’t realize that dead people give away more money through their bequests each year than do US corporations. Individuals, when you factor bequests and DAFs and other family […]


Online fundraising allows your organization to be open 24 hours a day. Make sure your “self-serve” giving options are available to your donors and prospects.


Philanthropy is ever-evolving and expanding to encompass different ways of creating social change, including concepts like social enterprises, program-related investments, impact bonds, and impact investing.


Fundraising plays the long game and this work is substantially aided when development professionals have a sufficiently long tenure. Development professionals that bounce every twelve to eighteen months can do […]


Today’s sophisticated philanthropists typically have huge hearts, but those hearts are often protected very well by a myriad of gatekeepers. Access can often be the biggest challenge to unlocking generosity.


Porter vs. Guide. The best development professionals are not merely porters. They are trusted guides – to donors, prospects, staff, executives, volunteers, clients, the community.


The best fundraisers, knowing the value of relationships and the importance of bringing the prospective donor closer, work constantly to discover shared friendships, mutual colleagues, known relatives, acquaintances, and others […]