
MacKenzie Scott and a few other outliers aside, big gifts take time to secure. They don’t often come easily. Major gift fundraising requires a long view, building the relationship strategically, […]


As Jerold Panas famously stated, “Life is a wheel. The more you give, the more you get back.”


If your nonprofit organization’s Board of Directors doesn’t lead in giving, why should anyone else?


A no is a prelude to a yes.


You should never make assumptions about how a donor will respond to an ask without asking them first. People are full of surprises and want to be helpful if asked […]


When you make a planned gift to a charity, you add 10 years to your life expectancy.


Giving is local. While there are exceptions to the rule, the vast majority of contributed dollars from Americans stay within a 25-mile radius of their home.


What gets measured gets movement. If there is accountability against a goal and the moves taken to get there are evaluated, fundraising success is significantly greater.


You can’t make a poor person wealthy, but you can make someone with capacity more connected and passionate about your organization. Focus on those with the gift of capacity and […]


The best fundraisers know that 80-90% of success is just showing up. Not to dismiss the value of expertise, but consistently and intentionally showing up makes a huge difference. Even […]