
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Teresa


Fundraising volunteers expand staff capacity by increasing bandwidth and often completing tasks not possible by the development professional. Fundraising volunteers play vital roles in connecting, accessing, advocating, relationship-development, asking, and […]


Give me more money and I’ll give you more mission.


Great fundraisers don’t chase titles or money but instead chase the work.


Birds of a feather flock together. Your best board members should be tasked with helping you identify and recruit future potential board members.


If you expect your volunteers to get on board with some significant initiative, like a campaign or strategic plan, time, attention, and focus must be provided. A retreat is often […]


Regrettably, there is all sorts of flimflammery in the philanthropic space. You find bad actors wherever you find money. We all have our stories. Be alert and keep your guard […]


Being a five tool fundraiser often requires that you ride shotgun in a solicitation with a volunteer or staff leader. In this situation, you might find yourself asking if your […]


Audiences take note when your brand communicates your mission in a strong and clear way.


Involvement leads to investment