
The very best development professionals love people – being with them and developing relationships with them.


It depends. This is a classic answer when someone asks a fundraiser how best to architect the solicitation process for a major gift. Every situation and every prospective donor is […]


The best fundraisers are not just good salespeople. The best development professionals have the capacity to manage staff and volunteers and executives and plan and execute, among other capabilities.


The five tool fundraiser is not one to stay in their own lane. When they see a challenge, they recognize an opportunity. When they see someone struggling, they jump in […]


There are generational differences with philanthropy that must be acknowledged and approaches tailored to those audiences. Many from the Boomer generation, for example, give because of a sense of duty […]


Many donors give because they are grateful – grateful patients, grateful alumni, grateful families, grateful worshippers, etc. Expressing gratitude through financial support is common and a driver for many.


The magic of many talented fundraisers is in their clarity and how they can make often complex subjects very simple to understand.


Nothing raises money like a good old fashioned dog and pony show.


Nonprofits spend significant time and energy focused on major gifts and acquiring and retaining annual donors at all giving levels but often in smaller denominations. This is not inappropriate or […]


Age matters in fundraising. On average, older Americans give away more per capita each year to charity and give to a larger number of charities. Different age groups have different […]