
There are so many ways for Board members to impact an organization. I liken it to a trip to Disneyland. To enter, you have to buy a ticket (invest personally […]


Building your development staff to grow the organization’s fundraising capacity is vital. Also vital is hiring development professionals that can carry weight…in other words…add significant value to the enterprise by […]


Every organization looks for the rainmaker in development. It’s not a unicorn. Rainmakers do exist. What does a rainmaker look like? This is an individual that puts in lots of […]


You can’t squeeze apple juice out of lemons no matter how hard you try. Managing expectations, especially the unrealistic ones of the CEO, volunteer, and donor is a skill that […]


Trust-based philanthropy is a charitable approach that seeks to rebalance power and decision-making between donors, nonprofits and communities. Trust-based philanthropy is a partnership model that has existed since the dawn […]


Organizational leaders need to be prepared to answer the question about how the organization would invest $1 million, $10 million, $100 million, or $1 billion (depending on the scale of […]


Fundraisers don’t often get the credit they deserve for driving positive change through philanthropy at their organization. The truly great fundraisers don’t need to get the credit to be satisfied, […]


There are more than a dozen reasons why fundraising campaigns are important to nonprofit organizations. Beyond the fact that they help an organization accomplish a set of objectives, campaigns typically […]


Good fundraising requires a system of measurement. If you don’t believe in scorecards and you don’t like the thought of being measured by a scorecard, fundraising is probably not for […]


Most organizations have clear plans for recognizing annual donors across giving levels and often recognize them in their annual reports. Capital campaigns offer donor walls to recognize donors. Fewer organizations […]