
Development writing is different from traditional advertising and marketing. While many of the fundamentals apply, in writing for fundraising it’s important to tell a story. You must also define the […]


Sites like Guidestar, CharityNavigator, CharityWatch, and Give Well are increasingly important to the concerned and curious donor before making an initial investment in a nonprofit organization. Seeking high ratings with […]


Fundraising droughts are common enough but the analysis typically shows that a lack of sufficient prospect and donor activity – contacts and moves – is to blame.


“Friendraising” efforts are valid and effective methods of acquiring donors and very often result in future fundraising results.


While annual support gifts often come from income and cash, major and planned gifts often come from non-cash, asset based gifts.


You don’t get what you don’t ask for. Wayne Gretzky told us that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Generous donors take great joy in giving and pride in supporting an institution that is meeting needs and creating a better world.


The give or get, the give and get, or the give and/or get requirement for Board members are all valid tactics to assure each and every Board members take some […]


It’s most unfortunate that so few fundraisers stay with an organization for more than eighteen to twenty four months. It’s nearly impossible to create sufficient value for the organization from […]


It’s easy to make things overly complicated in fundraising. You’re often better following the KIS strategy (Keep it Simple). Many know there is an additional “s” added at the end […]