
It’s easy to make things overly complicated in fundraising. You’re often better following the KIS strategy (Keep it Simple). Many know there is an additional “s” added at the end […]


It costs much less to retain an existing donor than it does to acquire a new one.


Fundraising is an emotional act. People very often give based on how they feel. Your organization’s brand should cause them to feel something – compassion, sympathy, anger, etc.  Spending time […]


Most organizations struggle to distinguish themselves. Most organizations get lost in the sea of sameness. How do you break free and get recognized? Think of the ways your organization is […]


Despite what many board members and other nonprofits executives believe, fundraising is not an “ATM” situation. It takes significant work to generate funding to meet an organization’s needs.


Fundraisers are superheroes. Each of us has special powers. #fundraising #fivetoolfundraiser #fundraiser #philanthropy


Fortunately for fundraisers, there are a lot of people who have a lot of money. Some of it is always going to be directed to organizations that do good work […]


You hope your Board of Directors will bring the “three As”— Affluence, Access, and Advocacy.


Philanthropists and funders are enablers, and your partners.


“Equity is the Driving Force, Culture is the Frame, and Belonging is the Goal.” This is the tagline of the City of Oakland’s Cultural Plan and nothing summed up better […]