
Capital campaigns are an incredibly effective catalyst toward building an organization’s major gifts program.


The hiring practices of an organization can dramatically influence the effectiveness of a fundraising department. HR and hiring managers need a lot of training to identify, recruit, and retain top […]


Philanthropy is complex. There are so many factors influencing growth or contraction, including governmental policies that inspire or inhibit charitable giving. For this reason and more, fundraisers need to care […]


Placing the name of a donor (living and deceased) on your institution and/or institution’s building(s) can be fraught with peril. Nonprofits must carefully consider all factors when contemplating permanent physical […]


Meeting the prospective donor where they are in their journey with you and your institution, and being donor-centric, is essential. That being said, you must also responsibly guide and direct […]


The future will require us to operate in two worlds simultaneously – the virtual world and the in-person world. Without prejudice toward either, there will be choices to be made […]


Philanthropy is always evolving. The acceleration of globalization means greater acceptance of and participation in philanthropy. Additionally, the number of donors giving across borders continues to grow, and this trend […]


Volunteers are much more likely to give and give more significantly and more predictably. The talented development professional is uniquely adept at sourcing volunteer opportunities that increase engagement and giving.


Many people use personal trainers. They can help teach you best practices, evaluate and correct your technique, motivate you, and often just keep you accountable to your goals. The development […]


The CFO and CDO often speak different languages when it comes to counting and recognizing philanthropic revenue. The CFO speaks a language called GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) while the […]