
Strategic plans give direction and focus to fundraising. For something so critical, far too few nonprofits have one or have the intention of developing one. Strategic plans show your stakeholders […]


Capital campaigns – standalone and comprehensive – take organizations to the next level in their philanthropy. Not only to do they help organizations raise a lot more money than they […]


Endowments might not be the most attractive fundraising initiative to pursue, but they sure prove to be extraordinarily valuable when philanthropy and other revenue sources are scarce. Hopefully 2020 taught […]


“Investment precedes return”. This is an homage to my five-tool fundraiser father, James Looney, who often shared this truism with his clients, college president bosses, and me. You need to […]


There is no such thing as over communicating in fundraising when it is done in an authentic and personal way. On the other hand, failing to properly communicate – both […]


Over reliance on funding from a single source – either one donor or one type of giving source (e.g. – corporations or foundations) can be dangerous. To create greater sustainability […]


Annual giving is the foundation upon which most major gift success is built.


Raising unrestricted dollars is often the most difficult to generate but is often the most necessary and important for the nonprofit given the flexibility it provides and the capacity to […]


Board members that don’t exhibit and demonstrate a willingness to be generous up to and exceeding the minimum expectations set for the Board and who are not leveraging relationships that […]


The capacity to overcome the objections of prospective donors is a necessary skill for development professionals. Prospective donors are capable of coming up with thousands of reasons not to give […]