
Creating and sustaining a culture of philanthropy within an organization, where every single member of the organization is taught continually to value philanthropy, and where active participation in philanthropy is […]


Proper strategy and execution are often a hallmark of effective fundraising – especially in the major and planned giving arena. While gifts often do come into an organization “over the […]


Fundraising is a team sport. It might look like an individual sport…but good fundraisers know that it takes a number of additional contributors to routinely repeat fundraising success. These collaborators […]


A high level of donor and prospective donor activity is a strong predictor of success in fundraising. Metrics are designed to help the fundraiser know if they or people they […]


Failure is a part of fundraising. If you’re not failing at least a little, you’re probably not asking enough. If you hate to fail occasionally, find another career. You get […]


Proper stewardship of a gift and proper stewardship of a relationship with a donor are necessary steps toward securing the next gift. Nothing supports the recency, frequency, and monetary value […]


Though few donors will proactively admit that recognition is a key driver in the decision-making around a gift, it’s very important to most donors. Never fail to offer recognition opportunities […]


Asking a donor to establish a challenge gift or matching gift can often spark special donor engagement and interest. Inspiring others to give feels great. Asking potential donors to respond […]


Creating momentum, credibility, inspiration and urgency around giving is the job of a good fundraiser. This is no easy task and an undervalued talent to be sure. The capacity to […]


Good fundraisers paint a vivid picture of the future for their donors. Fundraising is uniquely about helping an organization accomplish priorities ahead. Much less important or compelling is helping an […]