
The life of a philanthropist is so much richer than the person with the same amount of money who doesn’t give.


If you aren’t giving, you aren’t living.


When companies look at places to locate their headquarters, one of the factors considered is the existence of institutions like arts and cultural centers that philanthropy makes possible.


Communities that have deep roots and long histories in philanthropy tend to be the ones with the strongest educational, cultural, and medical capabilities.


When looking for Board members, try to find those with the 3 W’s (work, wisdom, and wealth).


The most challenging case element to raise money for is to eliminate debt.


There is nothing easier in fundraising than raising money to help sick kids.


The best fundraisers understand the need to find the path to the “yes”. That sometimes takes patience, time, a lot of listening, instincts, collaboration, teamwork, a bit of magic, and […]


Wealth screening is a great tool, especially for finding financially capable prospective donors that might be flying under your radar screen.


The very best development professionals love people – being with them and developing relationships with them.