
In hard times, good fundraisers don’t shut down…they double down.


If you want advice, ask for money. If you want money, ask for advice.


On a nonprofit board, participation is not evenly divided among its members. The joke is that one third of all board members show up and do the work. One third […]


For most fundraising professionals, success is linked closely to the partnership that exists with, and the capabilities of, their supervisor or manager. Looking for a new job as a professional […]


Hiring a good fundraiser for an organization can feel like trying to find a unicorn. You want to find someone that is strategic, an excellent communicator, a people person, someone […]


A fundraising goal set too high can discourage donors from giving early, especially if they feel the goal is out of reach for an organization. Too many donors taking a […]


There is no plagiarism in fundraising. It’s very common for fundraisers to collaborate and share best practices and to borrow effective language that is proven successful.


While it is easy to celebrate all that philanthropy helps to accomplish to make this world better, we must also not fail to realize that philanthropy can also produce negative […]


Age is a big factor in giving, especially when it comes to the largest gifts. It is reported that the average age of the million-dollar donor is 70 years old.


Promoting equal sacrifice rather than equal gifts is a foundational tool to help people understand the power and necessity of securing major gift support to meet a goal. Relying exclusively […]