
Recognition is cheap and always appreciated and valued even for those that ultimately choose to give anonymously. It’s typically a good idea to liberally count giving as it relates to […]


Fundraisers love to come up with unique ways to explain the big gifts that drive so much successful philanthropy. A few of my favorites include “anchor gifts,” “nucleus fund,” “lead […]


The vast majority of requests for specific support do not receive an immediate decision. It’s always best to come into the meeting with a well-conceived follow-up plan to maintain a […]


It’s easier to renew a gift from an existing donor than it is to create a new donor.


Good fundraising is not transactional. Rather, good fundraising is relational.


You’re not asking for yourself. You’re inviting an investment to improve lives and your community. Embrace the opportunity to help someone make a positive difference.


The tradition of generosity and giving is passed down from one generation to the next like stories of family members from generations past. Because giving is not genetic and because […]


Visiting prospective donors in pairs has significant value. It’s not that an individual can’t be successful in a one-on-one solicitation, but it’s often nice to have more eyes and ears […]


Today’s sophisticated philanthropists do have big hearts, but they are well protected and well-guarded.


Did you ever hear the one about being silent after you make the ask and let the prospective donor respond first? It’s true…but let’s not neglect to think carefully about […]