
Fundraising is a blend of both art and science. While analytics can help identify capacity and affinity, the fundraiser connects the dots on the emotional appeal of an ask, the […]


Your current donors are your best prospects for future gifts. Proper stewardship assures that donors remain active prospective donors in the pipeline. While acquiring new donors is always necessary and […]


A challenge for many fundraisers is often not producing sufficient philanthropic revenue (exceeding fundraising goals) across the entire team. While hitting personal fundraising goals might prove more simple, It can […]


Many people assume fundraising is all about the ask. If you’re good at asking, you’re a good fundraiser, right? Not necessarily. While it does help to be an effective solicitor, […]


Developing a matching gift and/or challenge gift strategy is often an effective path toward creating necessary urgency and momentum toward achieving a particular fundraising goal. The donor creating the match […]


While the rest of the world sees challenges and problems, the best fundraisers see solutions. If you ever want good advice, seek the counsel of a good fundraiser because they […]


Effective fundraisers are the chameleons of the nonprofit world. They blend in. They adapt to their surroundings. They thrive no matter the environment. When your success hinges on relationships with […]


Fundraising is often not cookie-cutter or templated work. The popular word of the day is “bespoke”. Talented development professionals are capable of personalizing, customizing, tailoring the approach so that it […]


Specific requests to prospective donors more often produce positive outcomes. These specific requests help create a vision in the mind of a prospective donor and help define the specific solution […]


The ask itself is but one piece of a much larger puzzle that must be all put together with a prospective donor. The ask piece is important but is sometimes […]